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What to do with a faded pair of heels...

So living in a condo with limited space we had no where to store our over growing shoe collection. The only suitable place was against a patio door. As the window was east facing I didn't think that we would get a lot of sun. Well I was wrong one side of a pair of heels faded in the sun light. Seriously faded I didn't think people would notice... i was wrong

Here in this photo you can clearly see that the shoe on the left is clearly lighter than the right.

I loved these they have a hidden platform (great for those of us who are vertically challenged) they were the perfect height, I didn't want to get rid of them.

I tried buying grey shoe polish (that was a waste felt kind of dumb when it didn't work)

What to do but then I was cruising you tube and I came across a video by Orli Shani The DIY Designer, where she was painting shoes to make them look like high end designer shoes and I thought that I

can use this to fix shoes.

Off I went to purchase the required supplies. The best leather paint is by Angelus, you can buy them on line from Amazon (little expensive) Cury's Art Supply as well as Toronto Collective. Then I raided the garage for sand paper. I do recommend you get some higher grit sand paper as I do feel my own shoes were still a little rough when I was finished.

Now you can choose to paint your shoes with a brush or an air brush. Just so happened to have an air brush in the house (honestly it was bought to do touch ups on the trim that was sprayed in the house). I had never used an air brush before and I must say it is quiet challenging. You do have to practice on some old pieces of paper. The good thing is you do not need a lot of paint. That seemingly small expensive bottle of paint really goes a long way. You do need to cover area's you don't want painted with masking tape. You can control the over spray with the pressure from the compressor but there is always over spray

Here you can see how I got a little lazy and didn't tape off all the sole and at the time it did not look like there was any over spray but there was.

But the over spray is still very limited as you can see I am not wearing gloves.

At this point the colour of the grey was very matte (almost to matte) and has a very blue hue to it. Then I remembered there is a sealer that was still to be applied.

The sealer its self starts of milky and was the same consistency which was fun. This can be applied via brush and it doesn't leave any strokes. And Tah Dah we are finished can not wait to wear these!

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